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Thursday, May 20, 2021


I’m happy to say I’ve scheduled the time for two vacations this Summer with the kids! We’re going to Disney World in August and a week off in June!  I’m not sure where we will go in June and I’d love to try somewhere new. Where do you go to unwind and relax? Do you like the beach or the mountains? Do you go to some great hidden place not known to many? Please share your ideas and you could win a Starbucks gift card. Make sure you comment here (and leave your name) and I’ll randomly pick one person Sunday night. 
Thank you for sharing 😊 looking forward to hearing from you. Hope you have a great weekend! 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Thursday, February 4, 2021


There are moments in life we question everything we’ve known. We long for answers we’ll never get. Sometimes we just don’t understand. But instead of giving up and losing hope, God wants us to remember he will never leave us or forsake us. Nothing surprises God, he already knows. You can hide from a lot of people but you can’t hide from God. I have learned not to be anxious, but trust in him. It is not easy, to say the least. When I have been faced with disappointment, defeat, hurt, heartbreak and disrespect, I have  learned I need to get on my knees and thank God for being there for me. I ask for his wisdom, his vision and strength to get me through every day. I am so thankful for his faithfulness and his grace. I have had doors close but I have had doors open for me as well. I thank God for choosing me to live this life he’s given me, even though I have failed him. I thank God he’s bringing me vision snd joy. Give yourself grace as you learn and grow in 2021. ♥️ if you are reading this, you are being prayed for.